Don’t be shy about asking to be paid according to your worth. You should have substantial facts to prove your worth. Don’t get scared about negotiating remuneration instead have tactful arguments ready.
2. Knowing your "Real" Worth
It is important to know how much your skills are worth before you pursue a discussion on salary raise. If you know what you must get, then you should be able to present the same to your boss in a confident manner.
3. Become Indispensable
Keep upskilling and learning. In today’s work world getting the right talent is tough for organisations and they will happily give you a raise if you are indispensable to them.
4. Be Visible
Network and make sure you are continuously visible to your counterparts in your organization, in your industry and in your specialization.
5. Set your sights high
If you aspire to get a raise you need to first convince yourself before convincing others that you deserve it. When you raise your own price then you're guaranteed to achieve a better result, say experts.
These things are important as per TimesJob for ensuring high salary growth.